Picture - Gallery

De Duinenwacht (Belgium)

SEDU (Finland)

Ciudad Industrial del Valle del Nalón SAU - Valnalón (Spain)

1.	Presentation of the main elements of Asturias Entrepreneurship Action Plan by the Valnalón´s managing director. 2. CAI Pando, a center for adults with intellectual disabilities. Through “A company in my center” (EMC) project, they undertake a cooperative. 3.	CAI Pando Greenhouse, a center for adults with intellectual disabilities. 4.	Videoconference with director of the School of women entrepreneurs of Asturias. 5.	Meeting with some students of San Eutiquio High School that develop an iniciative that responds to a real challange suggested by an entrepreneur. “Entrepreneurship workshop “ (TMP) project. 6.	Meeting with some students of San Eutiquio High School that create and manage an international trade cooperative. European Junior Enterprise (EJE) project. 7.	TVLAB, Innovative educational program of LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre. 8.	Introduction of some spanish youth employment stats by the Director of Labour Mediation Service, Public Employment Service of Asturias. 9. Meeting with some students of CIFP Mantenimiento y Servicios Producción (VET School) that analyze and develop business plans. Business and Entrepreneurial Iniciative (EIE) project. 10. Project Logo selection between 34 different logos designed by some students of the Ensor Instituut from Belgium.

Werkervaringsbedrijven - WEB (Belgium)