Seinäjoki Joint Municipal Authority for Education consists of Vocational Education Centre Sedu and Sedu Adult Education.
In Sedu, individualized study paths, project learning and a strong emphasis on enterprise education and internationalization feature in the provision of education. In Vocational Education Centre we provide high quality education and student welfare for more than 4200 students and has some 600 employees. Majority of the students start their studies at the age of 16. In Sedu Adult Education the student flow/year is around 10 000 students
As a regional vocational upper secondary education provider, we have a mission to provide the students with learning opportunities that enable them to acquire the knowledge, skills and competences that meet both the needs of the students and the world of work in an optimal way.
We provide vocational qualifications in the following study sectors: Social Science, Business and Administration, Arts and Crafts, Social Services and Health, Natural Resources, Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services, Technology and Transport Sector.
Different models of studying parts of the vocational qualification in working life, in co-operatives, in youth workshops or in student companies are issues that we are constantly developing further. The future trend is study sector based knowledge centers which are going be developed to support both the excellence of the Sedu students and the key economical clusters of the region.
Sedu is active in developing vocational education through different kinds of international projects. Seinäjoki Region itself is well known for high amount of SME's and the positive attitude towards entrepreneurship. The promotion of entrepreneurship is one of the key focus points in the future development of the area. Entrepreneurship education is a key area of development in Vocational Education Centre Sedu and we aim to develop and offer diversified learning environments for the students. Sedu does cooperation with other educational institutions to diversify the students’ study opportunities. Students have the possibility to choose courses from other schools.
In Sedu we hope that we´ll find new ways of motivating students in cooperatives and in the ways we support them in their path to entrepreneurship. The motivating and supporting skills amongst participants will increase and help them to improve their own organisations ways of working on those aspects. We aim to develop cooperatives further as a learning environments also for low skilled learners. We also hope that cooperation with our local workshop Kaks´kättä työpaja will deepen as they find a way to include cooperatives to they´re own working culture. As a result of this the motivation of our students and trainees will improve. This process will be speeded up by the fact that our trainers and teachers will get aquinted to the good practises of different organisations. They´ll get a good view in both organisational and individual level (cooperatives and motivation)."