Belgium De Duinenwacht

De Duinenwacht, formed in 1999, is a non profit organisation who create sustainable jobs and work experience for low skilled and longterm unemployed people. De Duinenwacht is engaged in green maintenance and construction (rooftop isolation, pavements,…).

De Duinenwacht is part of a bigger organization (Sociale Economie Oostende). In our projects we focus on sustainable jobs with training and individual coaching within a protected workenvironment.

The starting points of all project are:

  • Benefits will be invested in new employment (and don’t go to shareholders).
  • The projects and companies must be feasible. A break-even situation is necessary.
  • The employees must be involved in the policy of the company.

The keys for motived (low skilled employees):

  • We believe that the more we let co-operate the employees in there company, the more they get involved/motivated. If they are motivated, they feel also more responsible.
  • We are developing a methodology to create a bottom-up co-operation with low skilled employees. We try to develop selfsupporting teams.
  • The keyfactors in this process are interactive communication, lofts of information, to trust employees and gives a lot of initiative. We try to work (as much as possible) resultdriven.


  • More than 900 sustainable jobs for low skilled people
  • The bottom-up co-operation  make employees more involved and motivated (and more happy in the job)
For more info, contact us:

De Duinenwacht
