WEB - Work-experience Companies - is a non-governmental organization that was founded in 1992. The organisation’s board of directors includes representatives of a polytechnic, local governments and employer and employee organisations.
WEB provides support and training to job-seekers and workers in theKempen region who need intensive guidance in fi nding sustainable employment. The support programmes off ered includes coaching and training along with work experience. For the group of job-seekers who are unable to function in an open labour market, even after intensive coaching, training and work experience, WEB wants to off er additional and meaningful employment.
WEB also supports employers by providing training and support for their employees and by providing advice and support in developing a customized HR policy.
In its more than two decades of existence, WEB has developed a number of activities for vulnerable groups on the labour market. Its close collaboration with the employees’ organisations and with the business community in the Kempen has always been key.
Employment creation
WEB Second hand store
This is an employment initiative that also contributes to dealing with the problem of waste through the collection, sorting, repair and sale of reusable goods.
WEB Restaurant
This is an employment initiative that provides delicious and healthy meals at aff ordable prices. Special attention is given to
the underprivileged and seniors.
Recycling workshop
The workshop uses innovative repairs to create new products and to encourage the reuse of materials. Discarded materials are used as components for new products.
Repair workshop for electrical appliances
Collected electrical equipment is tested, repaired and refurbished in the repair workshop. They are then distributed to the second hand store for sale at affordable prices.
Vocational care
Vocational care is intended for people who do still not have the necessary skills to perform in a contractual employment, due to personal reasons. Their social and individual development is supported.
Assist domestic help
Assist domestic help provides light cleaning and other housekeeping services. This employment project is aimed primarily at women, so maximum attention is given to providing fl exibility in scheduling for the employees.
Assist handyman
The handyman service does small maintenance and repair work for senior citizens and people with care needs. The services are operated in consultation with the Public Centres for Social Welfare (OCMW) in the region.
Assist energy-savers
The energy-savers project is designed to do two things at once: help the environment and create employment. The project works closely with the energy distributors and local governments. Energy-savers call on families from vulnerable groups and conduct energy scans, take small energy-saving steps and gives tips for reducing the energy used.
CeBeS: Business Simulation Centre
The aim of CeBeS is to create employment for disabled people through the use of an ‘offi ce-simulation’ teaching concept to training initiatives and normal education.
Work experience
Work experience is intended to assist those who have been searching for work for a long time. Extra attention is given to job-seekers from vulnerable groups who need intensive assistance and training in their search for employment, with the aim of giving them support and training during a year. That prepares them for employment in the open labour market.
Vocational Training
WEB also provides vocational training for job-seekers in several fi elds. The following vocational training programmes are being off ered at present:
For the technical parts of the training programmes, WEB works with the Syntra training centres, which makes it possible to respond flexibly to new training needs.
Workfloor coaching
This includes several initiatives that aim at supporting and assisting employees in temporary employment situations on diff erent workfloors. WEB provides general training and a focused support programme leading to employment in the open labour market.
Trajectory coaching
This is an intensive assistance programme for job-seekers. The trajectory coach and the job-seeker search for appropriate training or employment together. Depending on the interests and motivation of the job-seeker, the two prepare a multi-step plan that leads to employment. The capabilities of the job-seeker and the expectations of the labour market are also taken into account.
Care coaching
In this initiative, job-seekers with a Medical, Mental, Psychiatric or Psychological issue (MMPP) are coached in cooperation with professionals from the care sector. The aim is to make a better diagnosis with respect to the impact of the health issues on the labour-market potential and to take the first steps in achieving employment.
Part-time education preparatory programmes
This initiative concentrates on students from part-time education.
During a programme of no more than 6 months, the students are employed in a situation of part-time work/part-time education..
Job coaching
This concentrates on new employees from vulnerable groups during the fi rst months of their employment in the open labour market. This programme provides extra assistance and support for the employee and for his immediate supervisor.
With its experience in the diff erent training, coaching and employment initiatives, WEB has developed a great deal of expertise in HR methods for employees and their supervisors. WEB Consult offers the following services:
WEB Consult also develops new projects aimed at coaching people from vulnerable groups in the labour market.